As told by Danieli Rodriguez
This product is just amazing; it brought me back on my feet after hitting the wall pretty bad during a scorching hot night trail race in Texas. I signed up for the 9-hour race to celebrate my birthday, but most importantly this race marked my return to ultra-running after having a baby. My goal was to accomplish at least my age in miles, but as the night progressed the hills became more and more difficult to a point where I could barely walk.
Drinking too much water led to electrolyte imbalance and leg cramps. My friend came to my rescue offering me HOTSHOT, a product I had not tried before. I usually don’t try new things during a race, but at that point nothing could make me feel worse. I had two shots and hit the course again after a short break. I finished my race pretty strong and exceeding my goal. I will definitely pack a few bottles for my next adventure!
The Nerve is the Boss of the Muscle: Take control with HOTSHOT. Here’s how.
Ultra Runner Nathan Maxwell: “During a very challenging 36-mile mountain race this past year, I took some HOTSHOT during the last 10 miles. The cramping was getting very painful in my calves with each step, but once the HOTSHOT kicked in, it was almost like I had new legs.”
Ultra Runner Nate Burgoyne: "I was to set out on the longest run of my life so far, 135+ miles. I decided that I’d try it; and if it prevented cramping, especially post-run, I’d be a believer."